The program of Marketing and Financial Management provides solid foundation in the industry of marketing, accounting and financial management. Application of modern methods of teaching and learning prepares students to create persuasive and competitive skills in the field of marketing. Financial analysis is of a primary importance in the various business operations and in all segments of market.

For the implementation of this program is engaged an adequate academic staff in the field of economics, prepared to handle problems not only within the domestic market but globally as well constitutional and administrative field. The studies of the study program of the first cycle in Marketing and Financial Management last three (3) years. Upon successful completion of studies, the student will gain a degree for completed undergraduate studies: a bachelor in the field of Marketing and Financial Management.


Through the development of lectures and exercises it is intended to give students a clear picture of the various fields in operating a company and their interconnections in the electronic and geographic market.

–       Students manage to gain experience through internships and team projects, in solving the problems of the real market.

–       Students to be provided with a basic curriculum in the area of investment, theories of financial management, markets and financial institutions.

–       To prepare students for career competitiveness in global business.



–       The main objective is to equip the student with the necessary knowledge on the most important topics of marketing and financial management, so they can understand and interpret financial information and take appropriate decisions based on reports of its management and functioning.

–       To offer technological practices in the field of business, including E-Commerce, consumer behavior, research and financial analysis of markets.

–       To provide opportunities for professionalization of knowledge and skills in the field of professional sales, new product development, marketing communication and promotion.