The Faculty of Political Sciences, in the course of International Relations and Diplomacy offers scientific, rational and modern study programs on the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as professional knowledge and practical skills in the field of Politics, international relations and diplomacy. The study programs are based on modern teaching and learning methods.  As a part of the academic staff are high professional PhD profiles, diplomats, with regional and international experience, famous lawyers and experts for regional and international organizations.

The study environment is comfortable and above all modern. The landscape serves as an additional lead due to the fact that the University is located on the coast of the beautiful Ohrid Lake.

The successful lectures and the extensive scientific research is not only a result of the cooperation between the International University of Struga and the Albanian Diplomatic Academy (a member of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training, situated in Vienna) but also it is a result of the collaboration with other educational and cultural institutions and Universities from the Republic of Macedonia and from the region as well.

With Respect,

Prof. Dr. Shpetim Cami